Children with Medical Handicaps (CMH)

Children with Medical Handicaps (CMH) is a tax supported state program of the Ohio Department of Health. The program assists families in obtaining services to diagnose a medical condition (the diagnostic program) and assists with ongoing services for children with an eligible medical condition and financial qualification. (the treatment program).

The diagnostic program assists families in obtaining an evaluation by a physician, including testing for a medical condition regardless of a family’s income. The treatment program is for children who have been diagnosed as having an eligible medical diagnosis and financially qualify.



To be eligible, the child must:

  • Be under 23 years of age
  • A resident of Ohio
  • Be under the care of CMH approved physician



Additional information

For more information on CMH:

Call the Health Department at 419-523-5608


Visit: Ohio Department of Health website

To find an approved CMH provider call: 1-800-755-4769